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Flavor notes - Red Apple, Orange, Caramel


Acidity - Average
Body - Above Average
Sweetness - Above Average


This particular lot called Las Dueñas Cafe is the culmination of an integrated program for 182 female members of ASOBAGRI. The program includes 5 women technicians providing training and technical support that is appropriately tailored to the needs of the members. Strategies like using coffee pulp to make organic fertilizers reduces the transportation costs associated with purchasing fertilizer from afar, and at the same time, creates an abundant source of plantnutrition that ensures better yields and quality. Income diversification investments in chicken farms, avocado trees and local cafeteria have also strengthened the options for women members.

Guatemala SHB Huehuetenango ASOBAGRI

Price Options
One-time purchase
Coffee When You Want
Save 10%
$15.30every week for 2 weeks
Coffee For A Month
Save 10%
$15.30every month until canceled
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